Mar 2, 2008

A little detour

Well, we g0t to the Des Moines Airport early only to learn that our flight had been delayed. The person at the gate assured us that we would be in Detroit in plenty of time to connect with our next flight to Tokyo. According to her, the delay was nationwide, not just at the Des Moines Airport. So we boarded the airplane without worrying too much about it. As we exited the airplane in Detroit we saw a clock that let us know we had 5 minutes to get to the next gate. Of course the gate was all the way on the other side of the airport. Needless to say we didn't make it. They rescheduled us for a flight to Amsterdam with a 10 hour lay over there and then a 10 hour flight to Beijing. This will put us there 12 hours later than planned BUT we got to tour a little of Amsterdam. Althought we felt as if we were walking zombies as we have not slept for over 24 hours we thouroughly enjoyed Amsterdam. Marley-I wish you were here. There is sooo much to see. You would love it. Anyway, we are hoping to sleep on the next flight which should take us to Bejing. So we will get there a day late and a lot more tired. Here are some pics of Amsterdam for you all to enjoy.

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